I asked this a year ago, and I think another time two years ago: Does
anyone have any access to any sort of i432 binaries whatsoever?
The i432 was Intel's brilliantly-designed, massively-multiway,
object-oriented CPU from the late seventies and early eighties. It was
a tremendously powerful, forward-looking design, but it was slower than
molasses. At the same clock speed, an i432 was 1/4th the speed and 10x
the cost of an 80286.
I've got "enough" documentation on the thing to potentially write an
emulator, but it's all a gedankenexperiment until I can get ahold of at
least a snippet of actual i432 executables. I've long since given up on
ever finding hardware; only a few systems ever made it into customer
hands, and most of those were rather low-spec. Any tape dump of any
kind containing i432 object code would be the closest I'll ever get!