Maybe US
schools are different to those in the UK, but over here,
fundamentals are most certainly not being taugh. Heck,
logarithms are no
longer taught in the the equivalent of your high schools, I believe.
Log tables and their use don't seem to be.
[FIWW< the 'justification' for that is
that logarithms were
only used to
make it easier to multiply numbers, and as everyone does that on a
calculator now, logarithms have no use. You know as well as I do that
this is totally bogus!]
Well the principles behind logarithms do still
seem to be taught, if my son's experience is
THis may vary by examination board, but at the HPCC meeting last week,
one of the members brought alogn a Sharp calculator 'recomended for
A-level' The thing was, it didn't have any logarithm or e^X keys (it did
have y^x). And teachers at the club meeting confirmed that, yes,
logarithms were not longer required to be taught.