Subject says it all, I am looking for a Depraz mouse, a.k.a. swiss mouse.
It is a very early mouse, around 1982, with straigth quadrature output
and three Shadow switches for mouse buttons
I know the unit well, I have one. It's the original mouse for my
Whitechapel MG1. Of course I want to keep it with that system. Mine is
the normal 'computer grey' colour, I am told they came in other colours
too. The red ones, with the black switch buttons are said to look like
ladybirds (ladybugs across the Pnnd?)
Checking the technical manual for that machine, which includes the Depraz
application notes, it appears there were 2 versions. The D83/P mouse has
a normal quatrature output on a DE9 (yes, they got it right!) connector,
pinout being :
1 +5V
2 Y2
3 Y1
4 X2
5 X1
6 Ground
7 Middle button
8 Right button
9 Left button
The D83/H mouse has a 5V level serial interace (not at all RS232
compatible, and not an asynchronous interface at all). Basically the 7
signals for the mouse go into a 4021 shift register, the interface being
the clock, load and output pins of that chift register. The pinout, again
a DE9, seems to be
1 Clock
2 Load
3 Out
4 Ground
5 +5V
Do you need exactly this mouse (e.g. as an object in your collection in
its owen right), or are you repairing a machine that uses it? In the
latter case, just about any TTL-level quadrature mouse will work.
Incidentally, if you have the mouse and it doesn't work, I do have
schematics (not that it's hard to trace them out!).