On Mar 10, 2010, at 7:50 PM, e.stiebler wrote:
There was a
thread recently on the comp.sys.dec newsgroup which
ended up
with the suggestion from David Riley that he would be prepared to
build an
FPGA-based board with a QBUS interface on one side and an SD
interface on
Is there really still interest in it ?
I put my design away few years ago, as I didn't see anybody
interested enough to buy one.
There is the seasonal talk of it for sure, but ...
OTOH, they old ones show up on ebay frequently, and they are not
that expensive.
Remarks ?
Not that expensive? I call $100-200 for a Qbus card pretty
pricey. Unibus models go for many hundreds, upwards of $1000.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL