not going to be an issue in my case. Still cant get it open...if by
screws the poster meant the hexagonal lugs or whatever in back then i
guess its april 1 after all...
I can assure you I do not post misleading techncial information at any
time. Or at least not delibarately misleading information (I obviosuly
make mistakes).
[FWIW, in England, April Fool's Day ends at noon. If you play a joke
after that time, the joke is on you.]
But back to the monitor.
It sounds like you're remvoig nthe 2 little hexagonal jackposts on the
DA15 connector. No, those are not what I mean. You don't have to remove
Near that connector, between it and the 2 thumbwheel controls I think,
there's a plastic dome about 5/8" across. Prise that off (Pry it off, I
guess). Under it is a Phillips head screw. Take thoat one out, then the
cover will side off.