On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 13:42:15 -0500, "Michael B. Brutman"
<mbbrutman-cctalk at brutman.com> wrote:
Please, enough of the self-righteousness that always
seems to highlight
your purist tendencies, including the ability to construct transistors
from raw materials and simple hand tools. We know where you stand already.
I would hardly call Tony self-righteous. He does have strong opinions
and lives by his convictions, but I have always got the clear impression
that he accepts other people's right to do as they please with their own
stuff. He will try to convince you that you should reconsider, if you
propose doing something which he thinks is wrong, however I don't think
that the connotation
of the word "self-righteous" (from
dictionary.com) applies. Being
intolerant is not the same as disagreeing and trying to convince people
they are wrong. Intolerance implies refusing other people the right to
their opinions.
Irony does not always go down well either, unfortunately.