On 4/15/07, David Comley <david_comley at yahoo.com> wrote:
Oddly enough, I've been working on a design for an MFM
drive replacement on and off for a while now. I don't
Monthes ago I thought it might be my next project -- I even made an
sub-directory "MFM_EMULATION" in my PROJECT directory. I am still in the
"collecting relavent documents" stage. I have no time for it as I am trying
to boot VMS CD on the MSCP SCSI card. Yestoday I booted to this message:
"OpenVMS VAX Version X5ZX-C3L Major version id = 1 Minor version id = 0".
Not a bad sign.
vax, 9000
believe that flash memory is the way to go though with
cheap and plentiful IDE drives available.
I've seen that commercial offering somewhere in Europe
- looks expensive.
--- Entity <entity at nenevr.demon.co.uk> wrote:
Hello, all.
Does anyone on the list know if anyone in our
extended community has ever
come up with some sort of plug-compatible flash
memory replacement for MFM
I've a vague idea that I've seen a commercial
offering at some point in
the past, but obviously that'd be a fairly expensive
move to make.
(Fairly? Oh, OK. Very.)
I've got a Northstar Horizon that I mentioned on
here many, many years
ago and I've just started looking at it again; once
I've got it up and
running it'd be nice to add some sort of permanent
storage, but without
jettisoning one of the floppy drives. The SuperIO
board is one option,
but I'd like to keep it as stock-Northstar as I can.
Anyway, I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on
the topic!