On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Geoffrey Oltmans
<oltmansg at gmail.com>wrote:
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Tothwolf
<tothwolf at concentric.net> wrote:
As others have pointed out, WD40 isn't a
replacement for grease or
oil. It works great as a water displacement, such as for driving the
water out of parts that have been rinsed in water after cleaning with
a detergent based degreaser. A large percentage of WD40's ingredients
is a light solvent, and the small amount of oil it contains tend to
gum up later if not removed/supplemented by a better oil. OTOH, I do
not recommend the use of "3-in-1" oil for anything other than possibly
a door hinge. Because it is vegetable based and not petroleum based,
it too will gum up later.
Ah, good to know on the 3-in-1 stuff. Like I said before, I tend to use
that or the lithium grease depending on which is more readily available
at the moment.
Wait... I take that back... according to the MSDS, 3-in-1 is petroleum