In case anyone cares, the magic keystroke sequence is
F12 F19 F5
on an LK201 keyboard. I assume it would be the same on
other compatible keyboards.
So, if you boot up the Pro/Installation and Maintenance
V3.2 disks (PRO179 at and press that
key sequence before doing anything else, a menu item that
allows you to do a low-level harddisk format is added to
the usual menu.
If you don't have the ROMs at the correct revision level
for the model of the drive you have installed, it usually
just formats 10MB (an RD51).
"David C. Jenner" wrote:
3) To format harddrives in general, you can use the Pro Maintenance programs
that you normally run to check out the machine (available at
When you start the program, before typing anything, you must type a magic
sequence of keystrokes to get the low-level formatting routine included in
the normal menu. The magic sequence is... I forgot! I'll have to look it
up later when I get home. Or maybe someone else can beat me to it?