WHY is the keyboard (and mouse) connector on the BACK?
It isn't on some of my machines. Not all the world is an IBM PC :-)
Actually, having the keyboard conenctor on the front can be a pain if
you have that stretchy helicaly-would cable (you know what I mean, like a
telephone handset cable). WIth hte keyboard socket round the back, the
ration of lengths from the keybaord right in front of the machine to
elsewhere o nthe disk is less than it woudl be if the socket was at the
front. So with the socket at the front, the cable gets stretched more and
you move the keyboard aroudn and the plug is more likely to get pulled
out accidentally.
Anyoen else remeber the CBM PET 032SK, It has a separate keyboard
conencred by such a cble to a DB25 socket o nthe front of the machine.
Thing is, if you move the keybaord even a short distance from the
machine, the plug pulls out...
WHY was the power switch at the back? (I loved the
PS/2 bellcrank linkage
HAving the swich contacts at the back meant they could be put inisde the
PSU case, so there was no mains conenctions or wiring outside the PSU. As
a counterexample the HP9100 and HP9800 calculators put the mains swtich
on the keybaord assembly, you have to be careful not to touch the exposed
mains connections (or worse, let them come into contact with a logic
signa) when working on the machine. On the HP9800s, I normally dismantle
the keybaord and remove the switch so I can put it in an insulated
baggie to keep it out of the way when debuggign the rest of the mahcine
to put a power switch at the front with a long rod to
the back!)
And the reason to put the swtich lever on the back is to simplify the
mechancial side...
When I set up the computer so that the connectors are where they belong, I
can't get at the floppy drives. (I'm also not sure why the hard drive(s)
needs to be at the front)
But you should have a DC37 connecrtor on the 'front' where you can
connect a coupld mopre drives, pointing whichever way you want them