-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk-bounces at
[mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] Namens Tony Duell
Verzonden: zondag 21 maart 2010 20:08
Aan: cctalk at
Onderwerp: Re: HP 2671 Graphics ROM
PSU is indeed the same, HP-IB board is the same
(U15) 02670-80078, Processor (U2)8039, (U13)
Empty socket.
DO you mean U13 is empty? What about U14? Is there a 2K*8 RAM (2016,
6116) on this board at all?
Yes U13 is empty, U14 are empty holes.
No RAM at all on the board, the dipswitch 2K is open too.
So I suppose I can place a 6116 in the U13 socket, and switch the 2K
dipswitch to closed, to have the advantage of a smal hp-ib buffer.
Should speed up data transfer a little..
02670-60084 ROM (U101) 1818-1819, Processor
(U301) 8049
Dipswitches are the same, for as far I can see the
difference is U301,
I assume the DIP swithc on the HPIB board is set differently
because your board uses an external ROM and mine doesn't.
service manual speeks of replacing one chip.
Right. Sounds like I'd better have a go at buildign a device
to read out 8049s...
Would be nice..
The interface boards seems to be field
replaceble, in my
opinion it make no
sense to put the graphic rendering on the
interface board.
I think it was actually user-changeaable (you could swap the
Yes that's what I mean.
board if your needs changed), rather like the HP7225
You just
undo 2 screws on the back and slide the board out -- without
even taking
the case cover off.