Creativecreek has a HP RPN software for Palm OS, Windows Mobile and iPhone.
I used the CreativeCreek on my Palm device and I continue to use my
vintage HP25 and HP34C "built to last" calculators. I recently
purchased the anniversary HP-35s. It's ok but does really compare to
the original LED models or the HP32Sii LCD model. I continue to be
mystified by people that use AOS/ALG (Algebraic mode) calculators.
At 05:32 AM 7/11/2009, you wrote:
Hmmm... I have
the Abacus, though I don't routinely use it. I never
learned enough about PalmOS to do a port, though. Aside from the
iPhone, I'm currently doing development for the Android platform. I'm
willing to consider developing for the Blackberry Storm, and maybe the
Palm Pre. (Though personally I can't understand why people are excited
about the Pre, as it just seems like a "me too" product to me.)
I don't know much about palm pre, but I do believe that people
want to stick to the ease of use of Palm OS and Palm Desktop. I'm a
long time palm and treo user, I just can't see me using anything
but it. It is a pleasure to have all data consolidated into palm
desktop and sync easily with the telephone.
I usually don't buy "new" products (although I was VERY tempted
to buy the iPhone, just didn't had the money :)) but I'm very
curious about the palm pre. Maybe in two or three years :)
e-mail: JeLynch at
website: <http://www.gluons.us>www.gluons.us