I recently unearthed an acquisition from several years ago (and
added it to my home_systems web page).
I have a TC200, a handheld, battery-powered portable terminal
which appears to have been built by IXO, Inc, yet it has a
Digital logo on it (so it either was, or was going to be,
marketed by Digital).
It is powered by a 6v Litium battery, like the kind you find
in a Polaroid film pack (but they are not identical -- the
battery terminals are in different places). It is called
a PolaPulse battery.
Does anyone know of a source for this battery nowadays?
Also, does anyone happen to have any documentation or
other information about this thing?
Thanks in advance...
Megan Gentry
Former RT-11 Developer
If my memory was correct it's a portable VT100 clone.
DEC may have sold it at one time (but I don't think so).
They also may have used it as a Field Service maintenance tool on
RA series drives... Pure speculation... but possible.
Perhaps Polaroid Corp. still makes the batteries?
Give 'em a call -- they're up your way.