Jules Richardson wrote:
Google revealing the full address *is* useful in that
case; if it's
masked sufficiently then attempted contact is impossible.
I've used that method to successfully contact people quite often in the
past; when you're doing historical work it can come in quite useful. No
longer possible since Google changed the interface.
Still, you can go ahead and try to email them anyway using the Reply link, and
when the email inevitably bounces, you can see the address that bounced.
As for being
"the only game in town", they expanded their USENET
archive at considerable expense above and beyond the old dejanews
Yes, and for a while it was awesome and every credit was due. Then they
took functionality away by changing the interface, which is what I'm
annoyed about.
I agree with you there. With the AJAX (hate that word) fad currently in vogue,
you'd think Google's Usenet interface would be much more developed than it
currently is.
Jim Leonard (trixter at
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