pentax 110's are such a fine example of Japanese engineering.
I think if you asked me to pick my favourite 2 Japanese cameras, they
would be (for very different reasons) the Nikon F and the Olympus Pen FT
I have two VP's. one black one chrome
exakta 11a's and b's and a VX1000.. And behind them are the
Periflex's another unusual design!
Would it suprise you to learn that I have a couple of Periflexes... I've
always thought they're more like a rangefinder camera than a refiex
camerra in that the little 'periscope' is used for focussing only, not
viewind (it doesn't show the whole frame.. There is a separate
viewfinder, which you have to adapt for different focal length lense
(like a rangefinder camera, rather than an SLR).