Marvin wrote:
Well Sam, I don't think I am a Vector Graphic guru
but I do have most of the
tech manuals (from a dumpster diving expedition a few years ago.) I can't
remember but I *think* there are probably three or four Vector 3's around
here, although none with hard disks. I have fired them up in the past, but
haven't used them for anything but curiositys. I have no idea at this time
how common/rare they might be although I rather *suspect* there were quite a
few made (10s of thousands.)
10's of thousands in computers is nothing, you know that. When they get in the
millions and billions like the PS, XT and AT they become commonplace. What operating
system does the Vector 3 run? Do you have any idea if it was made for a specific
purpose such as a graphics workstation (in black and white)? I'd like to know a
little more about it before I spend the time delving into it more or even trying to
locate a new home for it (heavy beast).
The external case is probably the same for ones with or without a hard disk but with
added MFM type cabling. If you have the controller card and cabling already then I'm
sure you could easily add a 506 interface drive.
I appreciate any info you can provide and if you have multiple copies of the manuals
and may want to part with one, let me know.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
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