On Wed, 6 May 2009, John S wrote:
That is a press release, NOT a review.
'course a review by most of the popular press would be even less useful.
It will be mechanically adapted for your larger ones.
The DTX200 is
pre-programmed to have the same features with the floppy drive to
replace. Each floppy disk drive using a specific connection technology,
an adapter card will be developed for each of your floppy drives.
implies that it
is NOT a drop-in replacement "for ANY drive", but that
they think that they can build one for any specific drive that you want.
But, that seems to eliminate the possibility of switching it from one
machine to another, or carrying one in your toolbox and plugging it into
whatever you encounter.
It does, however, seem from their description that it is not limited to
DOS device drivers, etc., and should work with most soft-sectored, IBM/WD
style Shugart interface machines.
It seems VERY unlikely that it will work for anything "non-standard", such
as the Sony 600RPM 3.5", etc.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at