I had an overwhelming response to my post for Robin
CP/M - thank you very much to everyone who responded
with assistance.
So how about this for a follow-up challenge ? I'm
looking for an image of P/OS + applications that I can
boot from floppy on a Pro-350. The hard drive's died
and since is is an RD5x I'm hoping to just skip the
drive altogether and run it off diskettes. Anyone have
diskette-based P/OS images for the 350 ?
--- David Comley <david_comley at yahoo.com> wrote:
I hooked up with Bill P this week and picked up the
VT180 he was offering on this list and on the MARCH
list. It's in my kitchen right now awaiting
I seem to remember that a few weeks back some kind
soul had offered to provide software for the
Does that offer still hold good and can I ask
it was to contact me please ?
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