On 2015-Jul-10, at 5:39 PM, jwsmobile wrote:
On 7/10/2015 5:05 PM, Brendan Shanks wrote:
Also there's a Toshiba T1000 and Apple II+ probably still there.
What did you make of the thing on the hand truck?
That's the rear of a 70s colour TV, the stuff on the side looks like either/both
convergence control or an early electronic tuning system with individual channel tuning.
Actually, it looks like a Heathkit with the plug-in modules along the rear chassis, the
manuals on top look like the right colour with the little title window cut in the cover of
Heathkit manuals.
Here we go, compare:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/34737609 at N07/sets/72157613423708701
I think the estate one is an earlier model, probably early 70s, with the flickr-pics one
probably a couple years later.