Bill Pechter skrev:
> >> >Getting a prompt and login from
Telnet was possible on OS/2 when it
> >> >wasn't standard in NT.
> >>
> >> Possible != standard.
> >Yup... Possible=standard. You just have to enable it in the configs
> >and have the services start at boot time. (They even can run out of
> >inetd.conf.)
> But was it shipped with a telnet daemon in the box?
Yup it shipped with it in c:\tcpip\bin, I think.
In that case I stand corrected.
> And why wouldn't it run out of inetd.conf,
isn't that standard behaviour?
It would... or you could run it as a detached
background job without
inetd -- like doing telnetd &
Yes, that's the other way to launch a d?mon AFAIK.
IIRC -- all configurable and it could use a Unix like
password file... so a
little cut and paste and you had telnet and ftp services like a linux box.
(and time and echo and all the little TCP/IP servers were there...)
Doesn't every box?
Then again, I suppose that NT stems from the time when M$ thought that the
Internet was not their thing, not with M$N around. =)
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