On Sun, 15 Jan 2012, Randy Dawson wrote:
If I embarrass myself to the knowledgeable crowd, apologies.
Autodesk bought his line and Xanadu Operating Company
Autodesk funded several research and "pure research" projects".
Roger Gregory was chief programmer of Project Xanadu.
Its claimed he coined 'hypertext' in mid 60s
Hardly "claimed". There are NO other credible claimants, nor ANYBODY
disputing it. Ted ranted about "hypertext" and "hypermedia" for
decades before anybody would listen. (Nothing like being an infamous
crackpot to keep competition at bay!) Tim Berner's-Lee of Cern (developer
of WWW and URLs) acknowledged it.
Nelson acknowledges Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think", that he borrowed
extensively from;
Vannevar Bush did not acknowledge Emmanuel Goldberg's work that he stole
extensively from.
For an unforgettable entertainment experience,
Find a copy of "Hyperland"! It was a BBC documentary about the future of
the internet, made in 1991, BEFORE WWW. Written by Ted Nelson and Douglas
Adams, and starring Tom Baker! Unfortunately, the only copies that I can
find are mediocre [pirated?] MP4s on Google Videos. Does anybody have an
excellent copy of it?
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at