It is hard to find ANY flashbulbs, particularly #6 and
I am told they turn up on E-bay fro mtime to time, probbly at excessive
prices. There are collectors ofd such things, who I assume never think of
actually using them (and thus ruining them for the collection).
Of course Polaorid made a bulb-type flash where the bulb lasted fro more
than one exposure (!). It was a normal filamnet blub -- I can't rememeber
if it was 6V or 12V. it was supplied with 45V from a cpaapcitor (charged
from a 'B batrery' for the exposure. Given the
high speed of Polaroid B&W
film, this was all you needed for indor shots.
And I can not find ANY flash powder. So much for awesome night-time shots
at Burning-Man. Time to learn some remedial chemistry.
It's bascially magnesium powder and an oxidising agent. I do not advicse
making it for obvious reasons.
FWIW, when I demonstratee my calssic comptuers, poeple are welcom to take
photos of them (and when they're in bits, I don't mind photos being taken
of the PCBsm etc) with any equipment _apart from flashpowder. Film or
digital, still or cien, whataver, is fine (It won;t damage by machine).
Electornic flash or even flashbulbs are fine. But I do not want my
classic comptuers covered in magnesium oxide...
My digital camera doesn't even have a real cable release mount. But, I
Yes, I am told may do not. I wonder why not, given that I use a cable relase
with film cameras al lthe time.
can get around that with a 4 conductor 2.5mm plug and
a couple of
It's a pity such things are not standardised and documented. After all,
there are only 2 common [1] cable release fittingd, the tapered male
thread used originally on the Compur shutter and later used on just abotu
every camera, and the larger female trhead used on screw mount Leicas,
Nikon Fs, etc.
[1] To quieten the pedants, there are mroe. Ive seen a beyonet fittong on
one old leaf shutter, for example.
resistors. I've played with the Focoslide a
little, but just can't seem
to come up with a need for the Visoflex.
On a digital camera, I would agree. On a film Leica, it bascially turns
it into an SLR and is useful for closeup work and telephoto lenses.