If Bill
Gates wanted the most complete collection of vintage computers in
existence all he has to do is hand Sellam a credit card, and one of his
minions a check for a building to house it all in and wait a few months for
delivery and setup. What fun would that be? Do you respect somebody more if
Speaking of Gates and deep pockets, what's happened with Paul Allen's
collecting/museum effort?
It's all on his submarine somewhere. Some guy with metal teeth who doesn't
talk much is guarding it, but they keep having trouble with some English
dude and his martinis.
------------------------------------ personal:
http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems *
www.floodgap.com * ckaiser at
-- If there was a hole, I would jump into it. -- Gackt Camui ------------------
Ha!; serendipity was supposed to put up one of your "Bond theme now playing:"
sig lines at the end of that message.