<I got a apollo 4500.
<It has a 68030 inside, and a 700-someodd meg MFM (?) harddisk.
More likely SCSI (single 50pin cable) or EDSI (two cables like MFM).
MFM drives topped out at 160mb or so, EDSI went to at least 400mb maybe
<I have no idea what it runs. This one has a SummaSketch pad with it.
<It was used for CAD stuff.
Some kind of unix.
<The problem with it is, the video card appears to have died.
<WHen I power the machine on (It has a VERY LARGE [21"] RGB monitor. Any
<chance of me connecting it to a PC? It has 3 plugs, R G B, and expects
<sync on green) and the monitor, I get garbage. The garbage is the same a
it can be but I forget the modes required also you need a cable for it.
Connecting to a PC is more trouble than its worth generally.