Rumor has it that Tim Riker may have mentioned these words:
timr at slop:~$ touch \/path
touch: cannot touch `/path': Permission denied
timr at slop:~$ uname -a
Linux slop 2.6.24-timriker #1 SMP Sun Feb 17 01:36:19 MST 2008 i686
which *nix are you on? just curious.
I was too, because it didn't work on this either:
Linux 2.4.20-8 #1 Thu Mar 13 17:18:24 EST 2003 i686 athlon
i386 GNU/Linux
Maybe 2.2?
Now you've given me one heckuva reason to spark up the latest Vcc (that's
not +5v, it's the latest virtual CoCo[1] from David Keil) & try it on OS-9.
Yea, a lame attempt at bringing it ontopic, but at least it was an attempt! ;-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????