Tell you what I'll do. I just picked up some
more HP floppy disk
drives. I haven't cleaned or tested them and haven't even done more than
just glance at them but I think there's a 9122D in the pile. But if you
want to fool with one I'll send it to you for the cost of shipping. They
were surplused and dropped in the sand so there's probably some sand in
them. You'll need to open it up and get out any sand AND while you're at it
you should clean the old grease out of the drive and relubricate it. If I
I would strongly recomend stripping the drive right down, cleaning it and
relubricating it. Sand will do untold damage to bearings, etc.
The basic sequence is :
Remove top cover
Remove logic board (and screening cover)
Rmeove faceplate and eject button
Remove eject damper
Remvoe head load solenoid assembly
Rmeove disk holder assembly (this is the bit you need to strip and clean
the geease off)
Remove disk-inserted and write-protect sensor feelers and springs
Remvoe spindle motor assembly
Remove head cable clamp (under the chassis)
Remvoe the head slide rail clamps, slide out the rail, slip out the head
You do _not_ need to do a re-alingment after doing all that. Just don't
touch the steppr motor itself.
It's possible to take the spindle motor apart and get to the bearings. To
do this, desolder the pins of the FG (frequency generator coil)
flexiprint from the PCB), bend up the tabs, and take off the top part of
the motor (with the FG flexiprint). Lift out the rotor. If you need to
remove the bearings, you need to turn a stepped drift (IIRC the spindle
diamteri s 4mm), then tap the broze bush upwards from the bottom of the
motor, and keep on tapping to get it, and the ball race, out. After
tapping the back in again, run a 4mm reamer (check this) through the
broze bush.
If you have any problems, ask me. I've done a lot of repairs.
were you I'd test them in the 9122 drive. Once you
know that one or both
Personally, I'd move the head assembly across, but then I like to keep as
many original parts in my classics as possible.
are working you can use them externally or pull one
out and then install it
in the IPC. I think I have a package on new cartridges, I'll throw one of
them in too.
Meanwhile I verified the printer : out of luck again.....
The cartridge seems ok, movement of printer is Ok, but no output. Time
to measure the flexcable....
If you have NO printed output then I'd guess that the cartridge is bad.
I've never seen a cable bad on all nine channels.
I have. That last Thinkjet I had in for repair, I had to return as
unrepairable :-(. The flexiprint was open, not only on all 12 signal
wires but also on the common wire. _Every_ contact to the catridge was dead.
There's also a little switiching converter on the Logic B PCB in the
Integral to get the printhead voltage. Maybe that's not running, or you
have a driver problem. If you need schematics, Dave Colver certainly has