Just out of idle curiosity..
If so many get upset about Linux discussions on the the list..
What about Solaris 2.1 x86?
Ontopic by the list I find here..
(Yes, I am playing devils advocate.. - Though I will admit
to a concious decision to block out my days of porting
XFree86 to the OS)
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Ronald Wayne wrote:
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:46:49 +0000, Jules Richardson
<julesrichardsonuk(a)yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
SLS was what got me started with Linux in '93
You're making me feel like the new kid on the block, seeming as I
started using Linux in late '94 or '95. It was some version of
Slackware, and I had a bugger of a time installing it seeming as I was
in the (somewhat envious?) position of having more "hard disk" space
than floppies. The "hard disk" was actually a removable, attached to
a marginally supported SCSI card.
It's hard to believe that was almost 10 years ago.