On 28 Jun 2007 at 18:43, Fred Cisin wrote:
Of course!
The documented BIOS function calls were kept pretty closely alike.
But, for example, what was the content of BP after an Int10h call?
One of the more useful things to have around in this respect are the
Phoenix BIOS books. Not only do they call out what gozinta and
gozouta each BIOS routine, but the memory cells used by each routine
and what they contained--as well as the entry point address of each
routine (some early code simply did a far CALL to the BIOS routine
entry point). But even that wasn't perfect.
Way back whne in the PC-AT days, I wrote a little program called
AT720K or something like that that allowed one to use a 96 tpi 5.25"
720K diskettes in the 5.25" 1.2MB drive under DOS without loading any
drivers. It simply intercepted the BIOS INT 13H vector and reset the
"double step" bit in low BIOS RAM for a particular drive.
Problen was that it worked for a *lot* of "AT-compatible" BIOSes, but
not all. Seems that some vendors decided to define their flags
BIOSes were hell back them--I still have a whole load of BIOS
snapshots somewhere as debugging detritus. I used to send a customer
with a BIOS problem a boot disk that grabbed the BIOS image and wrote
it to floppy. The customer sent the diskette back and I had my
sample to scratch my head over.