At 09:18 PM 11/16/03 -0600, you wrote:
A lot of the talk here is about really BIG machines
(fill a rack, or
two or three)
but how many of us like pocket sized machines? HP 41C?
I prefer the 41CX but I'll take any of the 41s! ILOVE that calculator.
I've had EVERY peripheral that HP offered for them and a LOT of the
aftermarket ones. I also collected the all the ROMs for them including the
custom made ones. I had the only (Nuclear) Weapon Effects ROM outside of
the military (see <> and a pair of the
Military Engineering ROMs. Other than those, the coolest ROM that I had
was the Astro ROM. It's a special surveying ROM that lets you take
extremely accurate readings and/or over extremely long distances. I sold it
to a group that is re-surveying the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. Believe
it or not there are no accurate surveys of the place and they've even
managed to lose a few tombs due to the poor maps of the area.
I just found a wonderful emulator for the 41C!
Is anyone here a sometime member of PPC?
Yeap (#12114 IIRC) and it's short lived successor HPPC (IIRC). I was
still active in the HP user's group up till a couple of years ago. They
still had a big international meetings once a year. In fact, I was given my
HP-49 at the meeting in Portland a few years ago. I got the 2nd one outside
of HP (Richard Nelson got the first one). HP sponsored the meeting and used
it to announce the HP-49. They gave everyone there a free HP-49. These were
THE first HP-49s in the US. They (HP) had flown them in just the night
before for this occasion. The last meeting that I heard of was in Chicago
just a couple of days after 9/11. I haven't heard if that had any meetings
after that.
ron. (who's got one of his favorite toys back again)