At 17:49 17/08/2006, Don wrote:
No idea what a Sinclair Flat Screen TV is... :-(
This used a CRT that was scanned from the /side/ .. Depth wasn't
much, but you needed a comparatively wide box... This was an
improvement on the first Sinclair handheld TV I encountered which was
a about the size and weight of a small housebrick, with a tiny screen
on the end.
One I actually had myself, must be 20+ years ago, was a LCD based
portable TV from, I think, Tandy (Radio Shack) which had an
/optional/ backlight! Only about 2 x 4 x 0.5 inches, from memory. I
think it used a mirror to capture ambient light instead. I used to
use it on the train, where it was hampered only by continually having
to re-tune as we passed between transmitters..
I seem to remember that at the time, I did try connecting it to a BBC
micro, but res was too low to read even 40-column text. I've no idea
what happened to it now.. think i lent it someone :-(