On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 8:57 AM, Daniel Snyder <ddsnyder at zoominternet.net> wrote:
I have looked high and low it seems for documents that
the pinout of J1 on a KDJ11-B cpu module. The manual I have
shows that J1 is the SLU connection and J2 is for baud rate and
status LED's. I have SLU's for MicroVAX II's and 3800's. Both
of these have the right pin counts but by no means indicates the pinout
is compatible. Pinout diagrams would prevent me from letting out the magic
smoke on my only 11/83 CPU module.
Some references:
Page 2-3, Figure 2-2, Pin Assignments for Connectors J2 and J3
Page 2-4, Table 2-2, J2 and J3 Connectors
Page E-2, To J1 on KDJ11-B (CPU) <-> CONSOLE DIST BOARD
Page 284, 4. Pin out on the 2x5 pin connector block on the DLV11-J
Pin 2, Pin 5, Pin 9 Signal ground tied together, Connect to DB25 Pin 7
Pin 3 TRANSMIT DATA+ Connect to DB25 Pin 2 RXD
Pin 4 TRANSMIT DATA- Tied to signal ground (is this correct?)
Pin 7 RECEIVE DATA- Tied to signal ground
Pin 8 RECEIVE DATA+ Connect to DB25 Pin 3 RXD
Pin 10 +12V Connect (through resistor) DB25 Pin 20 DTR
Page 285, Figure 7, BC21B-05 Modem Cable