Greenkeys mailing list is where you will find the most information on
teleprinters (not just Teletype Corp. machines, but Kleinschmidt,
Siemens, Creed...).
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On 22 April 2015 at 17:27, Marco Rauhut <marco at> wrote:
Hello all together!
At the moment i try to bring back a TTY from Teleprint to life. It is a
TP-3328. A labeled Teletype ASR33. It looks like the original ASR 33.
Differences are the missing off position on the on/off/local switch. The
Motor of the ASR starts up at every key touch and stops after a letter ist
printed. The Elektronic part at the right is also different.
My problem is the current loop connection. The molex plug no. 2 and the
terminal strip below did not exist in my tty like in the original ASR
manuals described. Has any one information about the TTY`s current loop
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Christian M. Gauger-Cosgrove
Contact information available upon request.