The professor who used the machine is quite tall, over
2 meters, at
least - and is described by many as "Norway's (largest/greatest)
scientist". One time in the 1970s, he and a colleague of comparable
stature were at a DECUS or DECworld or somesuch meeting. The
conferancier, when receiving them, asked - "Are all Norwegians this
tall!?". Immediately, his colleague replied - "No - we were the only
ones who could fit on the plane.". :-)
I spent the second half of 2002 in Tromsoe (at Universitetet); one of
the people there was, I think, two metres three. He told me of one
winter when the snow accumulation reached something like 247cm - not
quite the nice round two and a half metres people were sort of hoping
for.... The line I remember from him was something like "I'm not used
to walking through snow above my head". :)
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