no, the 7906H CAN hook up to a 13037, IF the model 13037 disc subsystem box
you have, happens to have the HP-IB option card in it! I have several of
these, and I'm quite sure the 7906H can hook up to a 12821A controller,
as well.
Example: I have a 13037 pca card, going to a 13037 disc controller subsystem,
which has both 7905 ICD drives on it, a 7906D, AND a 7906H.
Not a lot of the 13037 disc subsystems have the HP-IB option. I was lucky
enough to acquire a couple that do. So, the 7906H can go to either.
Jay West
(Just look at the back of the 13037 disc subsystem. If it ALSO has an
obvious HP-IB connector on the back you have the optional HP-IB upgrade)