-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Mouse
Sent: 10 December 2015 01:32
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: TOP POSTING (was: RE: Best 200 buck I have ever spent!!! Deal
of a lifetime!!!
> All the email clients I have are top posting
There are good civilized email clients available in plenty; if you don't
to have any, I can only assume you can't be
I have searched high and low for a decent e-mail client for Windows. All the
ones I have tried suck in some way. Outlook will no longer let me post
in-line on HTML mails. FreeBird won't look at calendars. Em is just a pain.
> get
with the times
If your email client defaults to top-posting, it probably also defaults to
trimming, which is possibly an even greater
offense; take a few moments to
trim your quotes for relevance and put your text where it belongs (which
inline after the parts you're responding to,
not just moved to the
bottom). If
your email client won't let you do that, it
is just plain broken and has
no place
in civilized discourse.
Or, of course, feel free to be as obnoxious as you want in how you format
your outbound email. But everyone else is equally free to ignore you. I
know I certainly am likely to, if you insist on top-posting and/or not
posting implies that you are only interested in computers from the
1990s or newer.
Actually, it's just plain arrogant (and/or rude). I've
written up a piece
describes how I see this, which is at
montreal.org:/mouse/blah/2012-09-26-1a.txt; the last three paragraphs are
especially relevant to this point.
/~\ The ASCII Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
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