----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Duell" <ard(a)p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
To: <cctalk(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: BBC printer port (ever used for anything else?)
Ah yes, that stupid quincuncial DIN plug. Fits both
ways up, only 1
Just do what I did and solder a db9 onto the pads with flying leads. :D
You mean a DE9, but anyway...
No.. DB.. because that's all I had
around :D
yes, the DIN plug is still in place and works)
I'd probably do that on a normal Beeb, but this is an Acorn Cambridge
Workstation. And while I don't normally worry about modifications, this
machine is sufficiently rare that I don't want to do anything
irreversable to it (I don't mind soldering bits on the circuit boards,
doing the sideways RAM hack, etc, but I don't want to cut holes in it.
I agree however I didnt gcut a hole in the case (it's only a BBC B+ but hey
i'm not a cut n shut merchant :D) I just have it on a flying lead coming out
the beck ventilation slot :D
I have made up a serial cable anyway, I just have to
remember to plug it
it the right way up.
I have never figured out the reason for the pinout of the Beeb serial
port. The Tatung Einstein [1] uses the same connector, but the wiring is
sane in that turning the plug over swaps TxD with RxD and RTS with CTS,
thus giving the null-modem swap.
I aint got a clue either. i'd also love to know why they did it that way. as
for recognising which way round to put it up, I used a touch of tape on both
and line them up that way.
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