Yes, I believe the January Issue was the last issue.
Circuit Cellar is another good mag, targeted more
toward professional engineers. N&V lost something when
it went to the small format, but still is a good
hobbyist mag. Midnight engineering was promising, but
I think its publisher (Bill Gates) couldn't manage the
day to day business tasks.
--- "Cini, Richard" <RCini(a)>
Hello, all:
I just got my latest copy of Nuts & Volts last
night and to my
surprise, there's a note from Larry Steckler of
Gernsback, the publisher of
Radio-Electronics and Popular Electronics (merged
into Poptronics). He says
in the note that Gernsback Publishing is closing
after 94 years and N&V will
be fulfilling the balance of the subscriptions.
I pass this on to the list with mixed emotions. For
many years I
subscribed to both R-E and PE but once I found Nuts
& Volts, I did not renew
either subscription. They strayed too far from the
content I liked and N&V
had some interesting regular columns -- Amateur
Robotics and BASIC Stamps --
that more closely followed my interests.
I had the same feeling when Byte, well, bought it,
in 1995 -- a
formerly great publishing that lost its way and its
relevance to its core
Richard A. Cini, Jr.
First Vice President
Congress Financial Corporation
1133 Avenue of the Americas
30th Floor
New York, NY 10036
(212) 545-4402
(212) 840-6259 (facsimile)