As some of you might recall I was looking for drivers for my Tokamac II FX
PDS card on my mac IIfx. Well I found the drivers from the original company
founder. I read in Macworld (and had it confirmed from the company contact)
that you need a PAL chip on the IIfx reprogrammed (or replaced?) because
Apple screwed up BUS mastering on the IIfx and nobody caught on at the time
because those types of cards were rare.
Well I have found another person who has the same card AND the PAL chip
needed on his unit but is having other problems getting his setup to work.
What I want to know is are PAL chips somewhat like eprons in getting
programmed or is there some other process involved? Does anybody know of a
way to get a pre programmed chip dumped so it can be duplicated or do you
need the original chip (or code) to do this? If I can be duplicated does
anybody here have equipment to do it?
I just want to get this card running being thats its rare and a cool upgrade
for a cool machine.
Does anybody here have any experience with a IIfx running a Tokamac II FX
upgrade processor?