On 10/11/02, Zane H. Healy scribbled:
what is THE
favorite terminal you folks here use ?
I've got VT100's, VT220's, VT320's and VT420's. Plus I've used
Wyse, and HP terminals as well as a couple others. My favorite is the
VT420. Though I must admit I lust after a VT340+, but I have yet to get my
hands on one.
Agreed. My favorite is the VT420 also, with the LK401 keyboard.
And I'm referring to the black and white one, not the black and orange.
What I like about the VT420 is 2 simultaneous login sessions. Either on 2
different TTY ports on one machine, or TTY on two different machines...
--- David A. Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818