Paxton Hoag wrote:
It looks like the Heath colors from the H8 series. I
suspect it is a
very limited edition of a Heath terminal.
IBM supplied the Selectric as an OEM printer assembly that was used by
several companies for a printing terminal.
I think it came out of the IBM Mag Tape and Card wordprocessors. Quite
a few people were hacking them for use in early 8 bit home computers.
I originally thought it looked like an IMSAI product, which are blue in
color also. I don't think it has anything to do with the 2741 series either,
they look like a standard Selectric II typewriter. Also, this does not
seem to be an ASCII or EBCDIC terminal. There's no controller inside.
It looks like only a solenoid driver controlling some tilt/rotate
solenoids. I believe the 2741 had SLT boards inside. (don't know for
sure though).
Also, I have two IBM MAG card typewriters and this mechanism looks a bit
different. I guessing it's a bare bones IBM OEM chassis and used
a driver on the microcomputer to control it. Anyway, it's neat!