Carlos Murillo wrote:
At 06:54 PM 11/9/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I just read a novel where Saddam Hussein was
interrogating a Kurdish fighter
>trying to get information from him. Saddam's solution was simple, In the
>interrogation room there was a pulley in the ceiling and below it was a vat
>of hydrochloric acid. He would slowly immerse the victim into the vat, toes
>first, and, slowly continue. Needless to say he got most of the information
>he wanted before the victim died. Regards - Mike
Very unlikely. The heat from the body would probably
vaporize enough HCL
to make the atmosphere unbreathable and burn everyone's lungs.
Shhhh - its obviously a CIA ploy to take out Saddam.....
-- hbp