----- Original Message -----
From: "John Foust" <jfoust at threedee.com>
To: <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Tools (was: IBM 5155 analogue display fault
Me, I'm just trying to figure out why I have seven
of the
screwdrivers I don't want at the moment and why I can't find
the one I want. Or how many full sets of tools I should
really own for home / office / car.
- John
I just went into my toolbox for a pair of plyers - and they were lying on
top !!!!
Normally when I want something it's right at the bottom.
The laws of physics are unravelling....
The world's going to end - we're all doomed , doomed......