Exciting stuff for a Friday night, right? Here's a visual aid in case
you're needing further inspiration:
https://www.instagram.com/p/_K-zHhHvLn78Qu5ijWqMf-HBem1LKMLaEdI1c0/ The
M2333K is the smaller one on the left with the green and yellow lights on.
I'm booting from rl0, which contains the tuhs 2.9.1 rl02 image I wrote with
vtserver earlier.
I want to use my nice, roomy smd disk so I can pull in all the sources and
recompile stuff and I've managed to get this *so* close to working but I'm
xp0a: hard error bn xxxx cs2=1100 <MXF, IR> er1=0
on every single block when I try to mkfs /dev/xp0a 4800
This disk was working fine years ago via MSCP attached to the 11/73 (before
I lost the Micro/11 power supply).
Anyway, I referred to
to set the emulation on the Emulex card for two rm03s and they're showing
up in xxdp's zrmlb1 formatter, though they won't format there, screensful
of errors.
I think I set the m2333k to 32 sectors, per this manual:
Because XXDP is reputed to be really strict, I figured that was normal and
then tried the Emulex on-board formatting procedure against both xp0 and
xp4 and they formatted perfectly without error. Guess the Emulex on-board
stuff doesn't bother verifying much?
So I think that maybe I've misunderstood the hard sectoring / sector sizing
thing. Does anyone remember the gist of it and would you be able to
describe? Do you see any other mistakes?