Through a generous donation the Rhode Island Computer Museum now has
three PDP-8/S systems.
The first PDP-8/S is a rack mount, S/N 517, and was donated earlier
this year. It is operational, but still needs some more testing to
insure that everything works OK. It does run FOCAL and Fortran, so I
suspect that everything is OK.
The second PDP-8/S is a desktop, S/N 857. The third PDP-8/S is a rack
mount, S/N 537. Both were donated today. Both of these systems will
need extensive cleaning and restoration. The rack mount system came
with an OMD8S memory/data-break expansion chassis, S/N 96. The OMD8/S
only has a single 4 KW core plane installed.
During the week I will post pictures and an inventory of the two
recent dontations on the RICM Warehouse WWW page.
Michael Thompson