anyone know
what machine this panel comes from?
The seller claims it's a PDP-11 but I don't see enough bits.
Possibly a PDP-8 or educational unit? I've never seen the
lights along the side - on an '11..
Here is what I posted a couple days ago to info-pdp11. BTW, someone else
commented that the actual CPU on the M7341 is a i8008.
Curious that DEC used an Intel 8008 in the 11/34&a front panel as well and
8085s in Decwriters, several terminals(Gigi), DECtape2 controllers,
PDP10KS10 frontends etc. These were likely ceaper than using F11's..
I'm thinking that even the 500kHz maybe the 8008 in the front panel was
faster than the M7341;)
Also found this from Tim Shoppa in a google search:
Can anyone tell
me what a
Microprocessor series Monitor/Control panel
is? (Other than the obvious).
It's the bench-top console for the M7341 microprocessor. The
KC341-A was the rack-mount console.
>It is a DEC item -- it appears to have the standard switches
>for a computer front panel, but for a 14-bit wide machine...
>I found two of them in my archives, still packed in their
>One would presume, then, that you've got a
couple M7341's in your
>archives, too :-).
Thanks Zane & Tom - that was a fast response!