ABS - American Bull Shi...
I have noted one difficulty with ABS, and that is its failure to operate on
and ice. Since I live in Southern California, I do not get that much snow
in any quick application of my Mustang's breaks, on snow covered roads,
they always seem to lock up. Well, the pumping action occurs but, at each
application of the pump, I notice wheel lock-up. There is no stopping.
William R. Buckley
Noted the same thing with my wife's Acura in New Jersey.
The bad news is (unlike the last two years) we usually get snow here.
Okay, let's back up and consider what ABS brakes are for. They do NOT
decrease stopping distance. Even on a dry road in perfect conditions, having
the wheels turning instead of locked up will slow you down less fast.
What they are for is to give you the ability to steer when you're in a panic
stop situation. Nothing more, nothing less. By keeping the wheels turning
you retain the ability to dodge while you stop, as opposed to locking up all 4
wheels and praying.
It's an unpleasant surprise the first time antilock activates on a slippery
road because you expect to slide, all your instincts tell you you SHOULD slide,
and you expect the car to slide a specific direction. Instead, Antilock keeps
the wheels turning and you go straight. But once you realise you can *steer*
while the antilock system is pounding away, you have a lot more options to
avoid collisions. It takes practice, especially if this is your first car with
antilock on it - I went from a 1974 vw bus to my Neon and the first winter I
had the thing in colorado (I'd never gotten the antilocks to do anything
in California) I cursed the thing and contemplated pulling the antilock system's
fuse out. Now that I've driven it in 3 winters I wouldn't be without it.
I agree with the folks who say "also make sure you have good tires, a good
brake system (one of the advantages of my neon that they took out later - 4
wheel disk brakes), and that you the driver know what you're doing, but I also
think that when you're used to them, ABS brakes make the car much safer.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?