My apologies! I got tangled up with other things and dropped the ball. Do nag me if I
seem to go away.
Software -- I'm afraid the PERQ software is in the end of the archive they are still
cataloguing. So I tried my luck a bit. I came across a games disk which appeared to have
a copy of an asteroid clone on it, but the disk didn't appear to be readable.
I've imaged it, but the system threw every kind of data error when attempting to read
it. Attempting to execute the file I *did* managed to extract hung the PERQ up good and
proper. I'm reasonably confident the drive is reading well and this is genuinely a
diskette issue.
I've also imaged a set of POS based utilities, but all those disks appeared quite
badly damaged (one of them was actually clear in sections). I don't think much will
come from a forensic examination of the raw image. But by happenstance, we have two
copies of that set, and I've not tried the second set yet (about 8 diskettes).
Depending on cirqs this weekend I might get an hour or two to slave over a hot PERQ
backing off files and validating media. Nag me again Sunday, if I fail to report back!
Josh Dersch <derschjo at> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:43 PM, Colin Eby
<colineby at> wrote:
BTW Tony, thanks again for your advice on the PERQ. It's been a working
display for a couple of weeks now. I still on the lookout for an engaging
app to demo. At the moment its just running Spy.
Were you able to archive any of the software you got with the PERQ? Any
chance of making it available if so? Always looking for more stuff to run
on my PERQ (and PERQemu) :).
-- Colin