I'm sure this will impact on non-USA net-stations as well since much the
content is US produced music. A real downer for me since i-net radio is my
only relief from the banalities of AM, and the only FM station receivable in
most parts of northern Canada is CBC-FM. DAMN. Bye,bye to my jazz and
classical stations. I guess I'll have to settle for Radio Cuba on SW. :^)
The US corporate beast is getting VERY greedy. They may bite off more
than they can chew, if they wake up enough of the US populace.
I really,
really, really wanted this to be a joke. It's really,really
This kind of thing explains why I no longer buy CD's or
movies, when in the past I spent quite a bit of money on tapes and
Netflix.com is my source for movies, and at $20/month it
offers much better value than going to the theatre. Piracy isn't
hurting the recording industry, it's their greed coupled to the fact
that they no longer offer good value. I will not support an industry
that tries to put these strangleholds on what I can do.
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