On Jan 16, 2017, at 10:00 PM, Eric Smith <spacewar
at gmail.com> wrote:
Some people may be unaware that with temperature-controlled soldering
equipment, more wattage is almost always better.
Yes. I've had a Weller WTCPS since college, serious money for a student but it's
been worth it. It's already lasted 40 years and still doing exactly as well as ever.
The technology is utterly foolproof (the temperature sensing is based on elementary
physics and can't drift).
I used to have a Soldapullt but lost it somehow; it was reliable. Pre-ESD tip, though. I
now use a smaller freebie from a PCB fab house, which works ok. Yes, adding solder to
improve heat transfer is important. My current approach is to start with the sucker and
finish with solder wick.