Tony Duell wrote:
[paper tape]
> > I've eaten it... Tastes horrible (particularly the oiled stuff), but
> > here to tell you about it. Ditto floppy disks, BTW. So it's probably not
Were you
accidentally locked into a computer supply closet over a weekend
or something?
To answer all these questions at once...
It was a bet. I was a student. The prize was a computer system that I
didn't already have. I am insane. Is that enough?
It's a start. (I had less incentive when I swam across Lake Opeche in
New Hampshire a week after the ice melted when I was 16 -- I wasn't
insane yet, merely stupid, as the water in that lake never reaches 40
degrees Farenheit at the best of times).
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_